Wayne Gorman – The Basics of the Wave Principle – Available Now !!!
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Wayne Gorman – The Basics of the Wave Principle
The Basics of the Wave Principle
Instructor — Wayne Gorman
Level — Beginner
Running Time — 1 hour, 30 minutes
Price — $79
Description — Senior Tutorial Instructor Wayne Gorman walks you carefully through the rules and guidelines, wave structures and personalities, Fibonacci relationships and more. This self-paced, video-based course is a great place to kick off your Elliott wave education, or to refresh your knowledge of the basics. Convenient, direct access to each specific lesson makes it a valuable reference tool as well.
Here’s what you learn:
- Ralph N. Elliott’s discovery that markets are patterned
- The significance of the fractal nature of the Wave Principle
- How the Wave Principle can be used to predict market direction and turning points
- Characteristics of motive waves – impulse and diagonal triangles
- Characteristics of impulse waves – extensions and truncations
- How to count waves correctly and avoid common counting mistakes
- Characteristics of corrective waves – zigzags, flats, triangles and combinations
- The three rules of the Wave Principle and how to apply them
- Wave guidelines that help to anticipate wave distance, form and termination points – equality, alternation, depth, channeling, throw-over, volume, and post-triangle thrust measurement
- Wave personalities – the connection between wave position and mass psychology
- Fibonacci relationships and how to use them to anticipate price movement in motive waves and corrective waves
- Fibonacci multiples, retracements and time relationships
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